Buylist Submission Guide

Last updated 22 February 2025

Looking to trade your trash for treasure?

Rishadan Port

You won't need to visit a Rishadan Port to do it!


We are currently buying:
- Magic: the Gathering (Select pre-2003 cards, and 8th Edition onwards)
- Pokémon TCG (Standard-Legal sets)
- Disney Lorcana (All Sets)
- Sorcery: Contested Realm (Beta onwards)


Cash buylists are currently paid out on Sunday. 

For quick turnaround, please include your bank account details with cash buylists.

We currently have a 2-week cooling-off period before cards from new releases are being accepted.


Calico Keep offers competitive rates with a 20% Store Credit bonus!

Selling bulk? We offer $0.05 per bulk rare and $0.10 per bulk mythic.
We are not buying bulk commons and uncommons at this time, though you're welcome to leave them with us if you want to get rid of them.

Selling a collection worth over $5,000? Drop your cards off at the store, and we'll do a full review of your collection and have an offer for you as soon as possible!
Send us an e-mail at for more information.


How does it work?

Step 1. Create

Add cards to a cart to submit to us; you can check prices as you go!

  • Log into your account
  • Click 'TRADE-IN' at the top of the website
  • Select your chosen game(s) and start adding cards to your buylist cart
  • Proceed to Checkout once you're done adding cards



Step 2. Submit

Finalise and submit your buylist. Make sure all your cards are sorted correctly before sending them off to us!

  • Enter your contact details
  • Finalise your drop-off and payment method
  • Make sure your cards are sorted as they appear in the cart screen on this page. This may differ from how they were sorted when you were adding cards to your cart.
  • Read the fine print!
  • Submit your Buylist Request

Once your buylist has been submitted, you can send us your cards straight away!

If there's an issue when we receive your buylist, we'll let you know and send any problem cards back to you at our expense.



Step 3. Send

Send your cards via courier or in person to:


Calico Keep - Buylist
2 Coastlands Parade
Paraparaumu 5032


Please include identifying information with your parcel. We strongly recommend you mail via NZ Post Tracked Courier.


If we do not receive your buylist within 2 weeks (14 days) after you submit it, we will decline your buylist.



Step 4. Review 

Once received, our team will review and re-grade your cards as necessary. Any changes we make may affect your final payout.



Step 4. Profit!

Once our review is completed, we'll process your payout.

If you'd like us to confirm any changes we've made with you before we complete your buylist, please let us know as soon as possible.

Store Credit buylists are processed within 1-2 days once they're received by us.

Cash buylists are currently paid out on Sundays, and may be delayed based on volume.



The Small Print

Your final buylist value may change as a result of our review process.

We aim to honor the prices quoted at submission. 

Your final payout may change as part of our grading and review process.

The quoted value of your cards will remain valid for 2 weeks from the submission date.


Our buylist rates may change based on stock levels.

In order to prevent excessive overstocking on individual cards, our buylist is set up to offer reduced rates on cards we already have in high quantities.


If we do not receive your cards within 2 weeks of you submitting your buylist, we will cancel your buylist request.

This is to prevent our buylist queue from backing up.

If we happen to receive your buylist within 1-2 days after we've cancelled it, prices will be recalculated based on the day your cards were received.


Your buylist may be returned if it contains many submission errors (i.e. Cards submitted with incorrect sets, or are received out of order).

This is to ensure that our process isn't bottle-necked by an especially messy submission.


Buylists are paid out without requesting final confirmation from you. All transactions are final.

We will not contact you prior to finalising your buylist unless explicitly instructed by you to do so. This is to ensure that our process is as fast and efficient as possible.

Please be aware that once your buylist has been processed, we will be unable to amend or return certain cards as they will be impossible to discern from our existing stock.


Cash Buylists are subject to additional review.

Cash buylists take longer to process (up to 1-2 business days after we receive them). If you deliver a buylist in person, please understand that we may be unable to process your payout immediately.


All card received by us are considered part of your buylist.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you only send us what you intend to sell to us. Any extra card which we receive that are not listed on your buylist will be treated as part of your buylist.


If you change your mind about your buylist for whatever reason, please let us know.

This is so we can make the appropriate changes and/or remove it from our review queue.

If you've already sent us your buylist and would like some or all of the cards back, we're happy to mail it back to you at our expense.


We reserve the right to refuse to purchase certain cards at our discretion.

In general, we are only interested in purchasing cards that are popular in tournament and casual play. Due to certain constraints, our buylist system may display prices for cards which we will not purchase including (but not limited to):

- Non-English Language cards (unless they are alternate art in a specific foreign language e.g. JP WAR Planeswalkers, JP Strixhaven Mystical Archive)

- Non-tournament legal cards (e.g. Gold-border, Silver-border, Planechase, Art Series, Recently Banned Cards, etc.), or other cards with high collectable value

- High-value collector's items (i.e. expensive cards that do not see frequent play in popular formats)

- Most non-promo-pack store event promos (e.g. Store Championship, Regional Championship Qualifier, APAC, etc.)

We may also decide not purchase certain cards on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes our system offers prices for cards we don't want (whoops!). Any cards we do not purchase will be mailed back to you at our expense.


    Calico Keep reserves the right to retain and destroy any counterfeit cards received via the Buylist process.